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Chartered bank in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2020-12-14Updated:2020-12-14
Similar words: chartereduncharteredchartered accountantcharterercharter partychartercharteringcharterhouse
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1. Gerard Lyons, the chief economist with Standard Chartered Bank, divides them into five groups.
2. He sent us an order on the chartered bank.
3. In the Standard Chartered Bank, he is a big investment advisers.
4. Standard Chartered Bank recently released a report on the foreign exchange market was also warned.
5. Economist Stephen Green, with Standard Chartered Bank in Shanghai, says this is a sign of recovery.
6. Kelvin Lau is the regional economist at Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kong.
7. Standard Chartered Bank is the oldest, largest and best foreign bank in China.
8. Stephen Green, a senior economist at Standard Chartered Bank in Shanghai, continually found himself marveling with visiting friends at the pace of change and struggling to describe what he saw.
9. Chartered Bank, which pointed out that in 2009 the Australian dollar is expected to continue strong.
9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
10. Standard Chartered Bank Corp. has 600 branches in 56 countries all over the world.
11. Business leaders like Standard Chartered Bank head Peter Sands - who is part of a spinoff business summit here - do not.
12. At present, Standard Chartered Bank capital adequacy, liquidity, the situation is very healthy business.
13. Made it slightly harder to sue directors of federally chartered banks who may have mismanaged the institutions.
14. While it's very easy for EBC to open bank accounts, including HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank.
15. "The labor market is not turning around, and that's key to the overall recovery, " said David Semmens, a U.S. economist at Standard Chartered Bank in New York.
16. The reference they have given us is the Standard Chartered Bank, Karachi Branch.
17. Already, Changi Business Park has attracted MNCs like Citigroup, Standard Chartered Bank and CredIt'suisse.
18. It is an active partner that provides board-level strategic advice and access to the international network of Standard Chartered Bank.
19. Dr. Stephen Green is a senior economist at Standard Chartered Bank in Shanghai.
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